Counseling Services Available

City Wide Power, Inc.’s Counseling Services provide tailored support for urban residents facing life’s challenges. With a client-centered approach, their trained professionals offer therapy for issues like anxiety, depression, and trauma in a safe, inclusive environment. They prioritize cultural competence, ensuring all clients feel understood and respected. Beyond individual sessions, City Wide Power hosts community programs to promote mental health awareness and resilience. Affordable options and partnerships with local organizations ensure accessibility for all. In essence, they’re a beacon of support, empowering urban communities to thrive.

Employability Services Available

City Wide Power, Inc.’s Employability Services empower urban residents for career success. They offer skills training, job connections, and tailored support for diverse populations. Through workshops, job fairs, and partnerships with employers, they bridge the gap between talent and opportunities. With a focus on accessibility and holistic support, they help individuals achieve economic independence and contribute to their communitie